
Sunday, May 20, 2012


I know somethings may not make sense to you right now....
I get the feeling most of the time...

Oh well, we'll have to take it one sweet little step at a time. No matter how painful these steps might turn out, we'll take them and we'll get there.

was telling your sisters about you yesterday...Well, Lexi aka Azzaria could not imagine there is a baby in the mummy's buto buto.
Taira kinda understood, and now its no longer mummy's big buto, its baby.
So, son, i'd like to call you Adel. How does that sound to you? We'll discuss that with Dad sometime when we can. He  might be having his own idea.

I love you son. I really do love you. I can't wait...oh yes i can wait. Am waiting for the day you'll come home. The day you'll teach ya sisters how to ride a bike...boys usually have a way of learning these things on their own.
Make no mistake..I can ride a bike. Am just getting too old. Though we'll work something out when u come here.

about that little cozy bed i promised you, am placing the order next week. So tht by the time we've finally settled in at our new place(we'll be moving house with ya sisters soon), ya bed will be ready and accessorized.

You might not see Dad alot or even at all for the first few years of ya life. But am sure and be assured that he loves you lots. He has his own way of showing his love but he loves you. and when you meet him, you will love him too. He is a good man. That's why you are his son. 

Most important of all, we have God on our side. Aaaah, you definitely know about God, I've been told all the times you kick and stretch, u are actually playing with God's angels. 
Sometimes though, i touch my tummy i feel u touch (kick) at where i've placed it....I love you too. 

well, been rambling alot. kinda going thru a phase here. Talk to u again soon Son.
Lots of love from Earth.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Dear Son,
its the 16th day May 2012. You are 21 weeks old in my womb. Meaning we have another 19 weeks to go before you can see everyone else.
Am pretty much sure, you've heard voices and are wondering what's going on.
My dear boy, worry not. All in good time. I can feel you kick and grumble. First thing today, i felt you stretch, well, i understand. I did over sleep too. Was a long quiet night.

So, let me introduce the voices you've been hearing. The first voice you had this morning, "we go susu potty"
that was ya big sister. Azzaria Alexandria Namuyimba. You come after her. She's your immediate big sister.
Quite choosy and assertive. You two should hit it off big.

There was another voice, "Mummy, I have pain here". That was Altairah Nalubowa Namuyimba. She's your other Big sister. Older than Azzie.
This one is a caring one. Quite moody but she cares for her own. Reminds me of her Dad sometimes. There was a time when he'd go without so that others can have.

Oh yeah, Dad. Spent a whole hour on the phone last night. Guess you heard me bicker, not sure if u were hearing the voice on the other side but yes, I was on the phone with Dad.

And am called Mummy. We've met. And I can't wait to hold you in my arms. 19 weeks and counting.

Will feel you in as the journey continues.

One thing you can be sure of son, is that, you are treasured. You are loved. There is more people I'll be telling you about as time goes on.
For now, I need to get back to making money...Money...that's what we need to survive. It's been said, Love covers all, but then there are medical bills and etc to be covered....

Yes, by the time you are here, you'll have your own little nice bed. That's why I need to make money.

We'll catch up later love.

Stay Calm. We love you. All of us.