Outside my window...Its a sunny day. Not Hot though, just the right weather to keep happy. Much as am not sad, am not smiling either. Wasting the sun rays-that am doing.
I am thinking...About the week that has been. My son makes a new month tomorrow :-) The journey continues. Its a beautiful journey. Worth every thorn prick, stone cuts, heat flashes and sleepless nights. Its worth it.
I am thankful...For the week that is ending. For my friends, family, workmates (yeah, they got me drunk on Monday, but owkay) am still thankful that they always have my back. I acknowledge that am not the best person to have in any corner but they smile at me/with me every morning.
In the kitchen...Officially out. Menu planning on this afternoon for next week. Tomorrow i hit the grocery stores and market and everything. time for re-fill.
I am wearing...My Hijab. Complete with new shoes!!
I am creating...bedspreads for the girls. Alright, started with just one.
I am going...Movie tomorrow night. Just me and myself. Who knows, I could find another alone movie goer and we would be together.. :)
I am wondering...If i hadn't written that post, what would have happened. also, this flu thing... arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh-not wondering anymore, am I?
I am reading...Done with the Jeffery Archer. Would have loved to pick up a new book, but instead am heading to the movies. Funny, movie costs the same as a new book. I'll do movie
I am hoping...The rains keep away until next week. Today is the day I fall in love. ;) not that its what am working towards that particular goal. does not hurt though.
I am looking forward to...Cake!
I am learning... A friend is a rare gem. And there are quite a few.. hell, a lot of duplicates- fake ones out there. shame, by the time you distinguish the real thing from the fake, its usually when you are hurting so bad.
Around the house...Its the weekend baby!!! Cleaning, dusting.
I am pondering...Time for a new investment project. Now, gardening(commercial) as opposed to poultry. Hmmm!
A favorite quote for today..."One step at a time....' (not sure how it ends.. but am taking it one step)
One of my favorite things...my crochet projects
A few plans for the rest of the week: Menu planning, Expense manager fill up-(accounting sucks- but gotta do it- otherwise i'll be doomed)
A peek into my day...
Was young once- loved the braids.
Check this one out too:
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